On feeling demented... Phat Quater Swap piece nearly done

WOW, did I underestimate the amount of time and work this piece would take when I was designing it!

Chalk it up to being a newbie embroiderer. I've been stitching for hours and hours every day after work and all day yesterday and I'm nearly done.

No complaints here, though, because I've really pushed myself with this work, both in terms of the design and the stitches.

And I'm happy to be sending this off to Jo in New Zealand when I'm done.  As an embroiderer, I know she will appreciate all of the work I've put into this piece and the love I've snuck in with every stitch.

But I feel horribly guilty that I haven't sent it yet.  The other members of the Phat Quater Music Swap are sharing their photos of the amazing pieces they've received and I feel like a total slacker for being late.  (I was obviously clueless about how much time it would take.)  I'm having a blast, though!

But damn, right now I need another beer and a painkiller!